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Ducky Bhai - Saad Ur Rehman


Ducky Bhai

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Ducky Bhai, whose real name is Saad Ur Rehman, is a popular Pakistani YouTuber and content creator known for his roast videos and commentary on various internet personalities. He has gained a significant following on YouTube for his humorous and critical take on various internet controversies and individuals.

However, I am not aware of any specific "Ducky Bhai vlogs" as he primarily focused on roast-style content and commentary. It's possible that his content has evolved since my last update, and he may have started creating vlogs or different types of content in the interim.

I recommend checking his YouTube channel or other social media platforms to see if he has expanded his content to include vlogs or any other new content formats since my last update in September 2021.

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