When is St. Andrew's Day?
St. Andrew's Day is the feast day of Saint Andrew.
The day is celebrated annually on 30 November, as this is the generally accepted date of St. Andrew’s death.
St. Andrew's Day is Scotland’s National Day.
In 2006, the Scottish Parliament designated St. Andrew's Day as an official bank holiday, but banks are not required to close and it is left to employers to decide whether to give their staff a day off.
If 30 November falls on a weekend, the next Monday is a bank holiday instead.
Who was St. Andrew?
St Andrew was one of the Twelve disciples of Jesus (Apostles) and was originally a fisherman like his brother, St Peter. St Andrew was credited with spreading the gospel to Romania, Greece and Russia.
In 60AD, he was working in Patras, where he baptised the wife and brother of the Governor, Aegeus. The Governor was so incensed by this, that St Andrew was arrested and crucified.
It is believed that Andrew died on a diagonally transversed cross which the Romans sometimes used for executions and which, therefore, came to be called St Andrews cross. It is said that Andrew could have been crucified on a standard but didn't see himself as worthy enough to die in the same manner as Jesus.
But how did this Galilean fisherman become the Patron Saint of Scotland?
Andrew became the patron saint of Scotland around the middle of the 10th century. Legends states that a monk called Regulus brought the relics of Andrew from Constantinople to the place where the modern town of St Andrews stands today. His relics now reside at St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Edinburgh in a national shrine.
Did you know?
The town of St Andrews in Scotland has no apostrophe as it was named long before the 16th century when apostrophes began to be used in English.
In addition to Scotland, Andrew is the patron saint of Barbados, Ukraine, Russia and Romania.